Saturday, October 18, 2014

Andalucian region

For those who don't know, Flamenco is the music and dance from the Andalucian region of Spain, the South of Spain. The music has its roots in East Indian, Arabic, and European Gypsy music. Another interesting fact, the word Flamenco which means Flemish in Spanish, may also have Jewish roots. Jews who left Spain, instead of converting, migrated to Flanders and were allowed to sing their religious chants. These songs were referred to as Flamenco by the remanding Jews who stayed in Spain; the term was applied to anything Scandalous or of bad taste. Thank you for stopping by "No Title" The random blog. Hope you enjoy, I have two more post with some other Flamenco songs that you may enjoy. Feel free to roam around and check out other music, writes, and reviews. One more request before you make your way of my page, if you can exit using either the green links or the pop ups. Thank you in advance and have a nice day. =) (Information found (Video Found on You tube)

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