Thursday, April 2, 2015


Hello poetry lovers, or art lovers in general. For the month of April, I'm going to be trying something a little different. I'm going to post poems written by other artist for this month. If you're following, a regular visitor, or new to"No Title", you're going to be in for one wild ride this month. First person up to bat is someone I consider to be a really good friend. LP and I go back to the good days of smoking cigarettes at P.C.C. and ditching class to play bones or just to chill. I present to you Jealousy by LordPint. If you would like to check out more of her work, you can find her at enjoy and have a nice day. 

Written by LordPint
Feb,18 2010 10:01 a.m.

I live in a world where things hurt...
Where you dont always get your way or what you want...
Where working for it, takes years not days or months...
Where Mommy & Daddy never bail you out or hand over large sums of cash...
Problems dont just disappear they only get worse...
Bills pile up...
Things get out of hand...
You try your best and fail...
You look forward to the little things cuz big things are just out of your grasp...
LIFE is not a game but a day to day battle field...

I want to be mad at you for what you have and what you'll get and the easy life you lead.
But I cant, thats not right of me.
Its not your fault everything has been handed to you and probably will be handed to you for the rest of your life.
Enjoy your platinum spoon and your golden life.

Just remember that if you ever wish upon a star for a different life, that Im wishing on that same star for yours!
And I wont be willing to give it back!

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