Monday, December 30, 2013

Love hate relationship: Water vs Mountain part 8

            Mr. Mountain knew he had made a mistake. He realized Ms. Ocean had changed. She wasn’t playing by the rules. Normally, this would have made Mr. Mountain angry but it made him sad. He realized his daughter hated him that much. High up in the altitude, where the original land from the bottom was at, water came to talk to Mr. Mountain. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” “Our daughter, she hates me” “She strongly dislikes you; She’s had this feeling since the day she found out how she was made.” I know but I always thought it was anger, I never knew she hated me. Sweetheart, she hates me. What she displayed a few moment ago was hate.” Water takes her cloud and wraps around the top of Mr. Mountain creating a fog. Water sighs, “Mr. Mountain, she doesn’t hate you.

            She has changed…. I will say that much… but she doesn’t hate you. The earth around here has changed her. Look at her environment. She’s always next to huge cities with huge populations. People don’t care about her. In some sense, she blames you for that.”  “But why?” I know that people don’t care about her; they don’t care about me either. Look down at the bottom. They litter me with beer cans and spray paint my rocks, some even set me on fire.”  “Well sweet heart, when you get mad, you have a tendency to scare people. I mean you knock down their homes, you kill people sweet heart. You snap and everyone has to feel your pain. By the way, what’s with this whole shaking thing? If you keep rising, you’re going to be in outer space.” “Well maybe I don’t want to be on this planet anymore. 

            You think I like being up here? “Uh yeah? I mean why the hell else would you shake--- never mind I know why you came up here.”  “Why did you leave me for so long?”  “Really? Mr. Big bad Mountain range wants to know why I left him for so long?” “I’ve never asked about this. I’ve been holding this back for centuries. Why did you leave?” Water sighs, “ I….I left because…you became too needy. “I’m sorry, did you say I became too needy??”  “Well, you did! You always wanted me.”  “I needed you, you’re freaking water for fuck sake! People needed you.”  “Yes but I needed you to grow up, yes the pun was intended.  Look, you grew up. Look at how majestic you are. Look at how my body lays across your strong mysterious body.”  “Yeah, but look at what’s it’s caused.” “It’s caused something beautiful.

            On a good day, when the sun rises, you stand so bold and beautiful. The sun glistens off my surface as I’m wrapped around your peaks. The sun melts me a little bit so that I can trickle down your body, all the way to the bottom. We feed the animals and provide them shelter. I’m spread across your body and grow trees, nourish the ground. Mr. Mountain, Mr. Land, you are my love and every day and every night, for the past centuries I lay with you high in the altitudes away from everything on earth, no animals, no people, no noise, just me, you, the sun and the stars. I come in the forum of fog and wrap around you, I come in the forum of snow and Ice so that I’m always close to you. I enter into your soil so that you and I are one. I love you land.” “I love you too water.”

“I just wish our daughter knew that.” “Mi amore, if she could ever reach up here, her opinion would change. As for now, she can’t. I love our daughter but her environment has made her vicious. I do realize she has a temper, she’s like her father.” Water smiles, Mr. Mountain stares at the sunset and begins to get angry. He shakes the ground a little. At the bottom, Mr. River is still combating with the crack. The crack has become wide and it’s starting to break. Mr. River, driven by anger and all the extra power from his mother, he crashes into the mountain side very aggressive. Rocks began to fall, boulders start to fall, Mr. River is starting to carve his way through.

To be continued….

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